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Membership solution for publishers and creators

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The first biometric universal Id

Make all your visitors or followers a member of your community with a one-click biometry registration. No more onboarding friction, all your visitors become a member of your community

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The first biometric universal Id

One Wallet, One SDK,
Step in the Blockchain World

2 sec onboarding

creating a wallet becomes easier than login

loyalty program

reward your community for their loyalty, and increase your own revenue

privacy & safe

Nexus is a non-custodial wallet, only your biometry can validate transactions

access gating

Enables you to create unique access controls for resources in your application, based on the specific user communities or their level of engagement

Boost your audience

Boost your audience

Reward your communities for the power of word-of-mouth

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  • Polygon
  • Le Parisien
  • Agoranov
  • Sista
  • ZeroDev

Know your community

The perfect dashboard to consolidate your community's consumption data across all platforms

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Know your community
100% reach

100% reach

No more dependence on algorithms or anti-spam, communicate with your entire community

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Ready to unleash your community's potential

  • increase
    your revenue

  • increase
    your audience

  • increase
    your visibility

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